Sunday, June 24, 2012

06/24 - Arusha day 2

Today was a quiet day at the new place.  It is quite isolated here.  We started with a great breakfast.  Then we headed into town to try to get some supplies.  We took a cab and the driver tried to gouge us (again, it seems everything here is a negotiation).  We were going to buy some groceries to save money on food as we have been doing at other places, but we don't have a refrigerator in our room here so we are sort of at the mercy of the hotel for our meals.  We are working on a solution for that, but at this point, they are delicious but exorbitant.  

I think we will likely stay out the week here and then find somewhere more suitable, but it is tough because the trip budget was set and most of the hotels here are surprisingly expensive.

The guy serving us breakfast this morning seemed very concerned that we were not in church.  "It is Sunday.  Why aren't you in church?  God is everywhere!"

I am feeling very disconnected from the world at this point (really for the first time since we left), but hopefully that will improve tomorrow when we start working.  Its very random the things that you miss.    

I was really looking forward to Arusha, so I am going to give it some time.  We spoke with one of our contacts tonight, and it appears they are VERY excited to have us here.  They also shared that we  have been invited for the very first verdict delivery of the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights which will happen on Tuesday.

Gretchen had to take her son to the hospital today which was also a little scary for everyone.  Everything ended up fine, but it was a bit of a scare.

Tomorrow, we are meeting representatives from the Tanzania Women Lawyers Association.  They have been extremely helpful in coordinating the mission here.  Just to give you some idea, we were able to draft more than 20 wills in Mwanza last week alone.  I was able to do 6.  They previously ran an educational extended will drafting campaign a few years back for months and only accumulated 50 wills total.  They have some good things planned for us.  Pictures from yesterday and today posted below as promised.  We are off to have dinner.  :-)
Sunflowers everywhere.  They always remind me
of my grandmother

The road leading to our lodge

Scenery on the way from the airport to Arusha.

East African Court of Justice.  We will be visiting this place


In city center in Arusha

Small part of the main market in town.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chip,

    I am fascinated by your journey through Africa.
    I feel like all who are visiting your blog are part of the trip!!
    It is amazing to learn so many things through your description and your eyes.
    Every blog is very much appreciated and I can't wait each day to find out what your experience was from the day before.
    Keep the beautiful "pics" and the "words" coming!!
    Florida is having a rainy season with "monsoon" like rains often. So you are not missing much as far as weather. Hurricane Debby is in the Gulf of Mexico over near Tampa.
    You know I am praying for you and the group – and I hope Gretchen’s son is feeling all better.
    Sending all my love and always my prayers,
    xox Kathleen
